


Naumann elephant excavation site

“Here is the site of the excavation of the century, Churui Naumann elephant’s discovery. At that time, it was a construction site for a farm road. In the course of digging a ditch, a molar of a Naumann elephant was unearthed. Later, 47 remains, accounting for 70-80% of the entire skeleton, were discovered. It means that almost the equivalent amount of pieces of a complete body was unearthed. Nowadays, at this site, you will see a memorial monument and the excavation of a model of the Naumann elephant.

Naumann elephant excavation site

address:Churui Bansei, Makubetsu-cho

tel:01558-8-2111(Churui branch, Makubetsu town hall)

  • 納瑪象
  • 公園高爾夫球
  • 官方部落格