


Nitta’s Forest Memorial Museum

Treasures of the Nitta group that has greatly contributed to local development. The Nitta group has grown and developed alongside Makubetsu Town since its foundation in the Meiji era. The founder of the group, Mr. Chojiro Nitta started an astringent manufacturing business to extract tannin from the bark of daimyo oak trees. Later, his 5th son, Aisuke expanded the business. In addition to the tannin-extracting factory, he also started a plywood factory, a cow farm, a horse farm, an agricultural farm and a condensed milk factory and contributed to the regional and cultural development. A former warehouse was remodeled as a museum. At Nitta’s Forest Memorial Museum precious materials tracking the achievements and daily tools of the Nitta family are displayed.

Nitta's Forest Memorial Museum

address:Shin-machi 96-2, Makubetsu-cho


  • 納瑪象
  • 公園高爾夫球
  • 官方部落格